frequently asked questions

Q: How quickly will I see results?

A: It depends on many factors: what “results” mean to you, your commitment level, your budget, and many other things. Social media marketing efforts take time and results do not happen overnight. In fact, it can take months before you start seeing meaningful results.

Q: Why should I outsource versus hire a social media manager in-house?

A: When you compare our monthly price to the cost of hiring someone in-house, you’re looking at thousands of dollars in savings! If you pay an in-house social media specialist a $35,000 yearly salary, you’re looking at spending roughly $3,000 per month. If you hire me, you’d pay less than a third of that. That’s a huge savings! 

Q: Can I change packages? 

A: You can upgrade your package at any time, just please provide me with a written notice. You can downgrade packages three months after the initial signing of the agreement/renewal. 

Q: Do you post the same content across all platforms or different content for each?

A: Content will be the same across all platforms, with minor adjustments for Instagram, seeing as Instagram does not support clickable links in posts. We offer a separate management package for LinkedIn, which will have a slightly different strategy from the other platforms.  

Q: Do I have to provide the pictures for the social media posts?

A: During onboarding, I will request you to send over any marketing photos you have that you think can be used for social media. If you don’t have any, and you would like a professional photoshoot or video shoot, we offer that separately. Otherwise, I will most likely request that you take photos/videos for posts regularly to increase engagement. 

Q: Do you offer web design services? 

A: Yes! We offer web design and maintenance plans.

Q: Is social media marketing all I need to get customers for my business? 

A: Social media marketing is a lead generator and should only be part of your marketing and sales strategies. Marketing and sales are two very important yet different functions of business. While marketing can help you attract leads/prospects, sales is responsible for converting those leads into customers. Therefore, these two separate functions must work together to get more customers for your business.

Q: What if I want to post more than once per day?

A:  If you want to post more than that, we’d be happy to accommodate you for an additional charge.

Q: Do you offer custom packages?

A:  Yes, we’d be happy to tailor a custom package that works best for your business. We ask you to let us know this during the initial consultation.

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