bright day

Inspiring social media stories

So many people view social media in a negative light, which is somewhat understandable considering all of the negativity that is spread on it. But, don’t lose your faith in social media just yet! Read these inspiring stories shared on social media to brighten your day. 

Lawn makeovers from a stranger

What would you do if you walked outside and saw that your yard was completely transformed? Kevin, a yard-care enthusiast, has combined his love for the community and taking care of yards “by giving lawn makeovers to homeowners who need them most,” according to KPLC 7 News. This selfless act would bring a smile to anyone’s face.  

A gift to remember

I love that this young girl wants to wave to her favorite trashman each Thursday. Kudos to this mom for raising such a sweet little girl! Who wouldn’t want a homemade muffin? Talk about an awesome birthday gift! I’m sure this is a birthday this man will never forget. 

Best friends furever

blind dog

When I first saw this picture, my heart dropped for this poor furbaby! So happy to learn that the blind pup has a best friend to guide her each and every day. Everyone needs a loyal friend like this! 

All of these stories were found on social media. If you’re looking for more positivity online, you just have to search for it. Follow inspirational pages and share heart-warming posts to your company’s social media pages. People will love you for it. 

Follow us on social media! We’re all about inspiring positivity and spreading kindness in this world. 



How to use social media for good

Many business owners are guilty of using their social media pages for self-serving purposes. But, what if you thought about using social media in a new way? What if, instead of thinking about the amount of followers you can get, you changed that mindset to think about how you can add value to people’s lives… Wouldn’t that be a much better use of your social media space? 

Albert Einstein said it best, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” In my humble opinion, being valuable will make you successful. Here are 3 ways you can add value to others using your company’s social media pages: 

#1: Educate your followers with tips and how-to’s 

One of the best ways you can provide value to your followers is by educating them. You can educate them on your industry, your products, your services, or whatever you think would be relevant to your business. 

For example, if you own a coffee shop, you could create a post about the different types of coffee drinks (latte, frappe, etc.). You’d be surprised at the amount of people who don’t know the difference. 

If you own a wedding venue, you could educate people on how to plan a wedding or how to decorate a wedding venue space. You get the picture. The point is, people will appreciate these posts and they will see you as a thought leader in your industry.   

#2: Learn more about your customer’s problems and then solve them! 

Have you ever heard of social listening? If not, listen up (Get it? Lol…)! Social listening is intentionally monitoring, or listening, to mentions of your company on social media. This is a great way to learn what your customers think about you and what problems they may be experiencing. 

Instead of getting upset, use their criticism to improve your company’s practices and solve their problems. 

If you don’t have any mentions, use social media to learn more about your customers by creating polls, quizzes, etc. People love interactive content and they love to provide feedback! You could also dig into your customer’s profiles and see their interests, the groups they are a part of, and more. All of these methods will help you get to know your customer better and solve their problems.

#3: Share inspirational posts 

There are three primary reasons people get on social media:

  1. To be entertained
  2. Share/exchange information
  3. Seek inspiration

You could be a source of inspiration for your audience! One way to do that is to share inspirational quotes. Make sure you don’t share text-only posts, but find a quote you love and create a beautiful text graphic to go with it. I’d recommend using Canva, seeing as it is user-friendly and has free graphic design options. 

In the post caption, write what the quote means to you and there you have it – An inspirational post to share with your following! 

Hire a social media expert to spread the goodness! 

At Like It Marketing, we have an endless amount of ideas to help you use your social media for good. One of our biggest values is kindness, which is instilled in everything we do. We believe we could all use a little more – no, a lot more – kindness in this world. Contact us today to learn how we can work together. 

organization tips at work

Organization tips for a productive work day

organization tips at work

Are you tired of feeling defeated because you went another day without completing the tasks you wanted to? We’ve all been there. The trick is, there’s no trick. To be productive, all you have to do is master the art of planning and organizing. And don’t think that it takes a special skill to be organized, because it doesn’t! All it takes is a little prep work and execution. Keep reading to find out exactly what that involves. 

Clean up your workspace

clean workspace

I can’t stress this enough! Having a clean workspace to work in makes all of the difference. Each morning I walk into my office I feel instantly satisfied because every item has its own place. Plus, the majority of my office supplies come from Amazon so I don’t even have to leave my house to get these awesome products! 

Here’s some office supplies I’d suggest investing in: 

  • A filing cabinet for storing your important paperwork. 
  • A bookshelf, which can be used for all sorts of miscellaneous items.
  • A desk organizer, to hold your stapler, tape, tissues, or whatever else your heart desires. Here’s the one I have from Amazon. 

It may cost some money up front to organize your office, but I promise you it will pay off in the long run.

Write a to-do list

woman writing in notebook

The first thing I do each morning is pull out my pen and notebook (Yes, I’m still old school when it comes to that) and I write a to-do list. I put the date at the top, and I write down the list with a checkbox next to each task. I don’t know about you guys, but for me, there is something so satisfying about checking off a completed task. LOL. Of course if you prefer a digital task list, you can use programs like Google Tasks, Asana, etc. to accomplish the same thing. 

Here’s some tips to keep in mind when writing your list: 

  1. Make sure the list is realistic. Don’t put a hundred tasks on the list, knowing you can only accomplish a quarter of that. For one, it’s discouraging, and for two, it’ll make you want to gather your things and go home. 
  2. Prioritize your tasks. You can do that by writing down your tasks in order of importance, from the most important tasks at the top to the least important tasks at the bottom. Or, you can write a number next to the task in order of its importance. For example, if calling a client back is your most important task for the day, write #1 next to it. 

Implement time blocking


Time blocking is a technique that involves you blocking out specific parts of your day for specific tasks. Here’s an example:

9AM – 10AM: Check emails.

10AM – 12PM: Attend meetings. 

12PM – 1PM: Take lunch.

1PM – 3PM: Complete project 1 & start project 2.

3PM – 5PM: Wrap up project 2 & plan for next day. 

Why this method works is because it keeps you on track and keeps you accountable. Add these things to your calendar for best results. Also, when blocking out your time, you must make sure you block out time for breaks! For those of you who cringe at this, I’m talking to YOU. People underestimate the value of breaks and they don’t realize how it impacts their productivity levels in a positive way. So stop skipping breaks, my friend! 

Reading these organizational tips was the easy part. Now it’s up to you to execute and start having productive work days! Sign up for my newsletter to read about topics such as organization, time management, content creation, social media and more! 

social media for business

The importance of social media for business

social media for business

How often do you find yourself habitually scrolling through social media throughout the day? Do you wake up and check your notifications? Do you check your newsfeed during your lunch break? 

The reality is, many of us spend several hours on social media each week, some of us each day. If you’re asking yourself why your business should be on social media, this is your answer: 

Over 3.6 billion people use social media worldwide! 

That’s a lot of people! Imagine how much exposure your business could get if you had access to this group. What’s great about social media is that anyone with Internet access can use it and that leaves the door open for you to get your business in front of these folks. 

If your business isn’t on social media, you’re missing out on some huge opportunities! 

It could be a potential customer’s first impression of you

How many of you have searched for a business online? Maybe you needed to know their store hours, or you wanted to send them a message to ask a quick question. Whatever the reason, searching for a business on social media is becoming the new norm, so it’s important for you to show that you’re active on these platforms.

Use social media to help your potential and existing customers learn more about you and what you have to offer. Make a lasting impression by presenting yourself as an industry leader. 

Build stronger relationships with your community

The key to getting more customers is to build a relationship with them. You have to “woo” them, just as you would if you were trying to impress a boy or girl that you like. Social media is one of the best avenues to do this, because it allows you to put a face to your company’s name

If you’re posting valuable content regularly and not just trying to sell, sell, sell, you’ll gain the trust and respect of your followers. 

Social media changes lives

Okay, I know this sounds a bit dramatic, but hear me out… You’ve created a product or service meant to help people solve a problem. Your presence on social media will help you get the word out about your product or service, therefore solving many people’s problems.

Final thoughts

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all of the benefits of using social media for your business. If you’re still not convinced, I urge you to stick around and learn more about it. Thank you so much for reading. Sign up for my newsletter for more on social media and other topics meant to improve your business life. 


Who is Like It Marketing?


Who the heck is Like It Marketing? If that’s what you’re wondering, I have answers. 😊

Like It Marketing’s mission

I’m Tonya Tucker (not the country singer) and I’m the founder of Like It Marketing, a social media management company built to help business owners like you build your company’s social media presence through compelling stories and eye-catching designs.

Wow, that was a mouthful. Essentially, I’ll help you manage your social media pages so that you can focus on other areas of your business that you actually enjoy doing, because let’s face it: When you became a business owner you probably didn’t expect you’d have to spend so much time learning the ins and outs of the ever-changing social media world.

I’m here to take social media off of your full plate. Why? Because it’s what I love doing and you deserve a break. Storytelling has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and that’s exactly what social media is: a platform to tell your story. 

How I plan to accomplish Like It Marketing’s mission

  • Content strategy – Consider me your personal visionary who keeps up with the latest social media trends & tools so that you don’t have to!
  • Custom graphics – Brand consistency is key in social media, which is why I create custom graphics with your business’s branding in mind.
  • Compelling copy – Graphics draw people in, whereas copy (text) makes them stay. It just so happens that writing is my specialty. 😉
  • Scheduling – Too busy to post regularly? I can schedule your posts in advance so that you don’t have to worry about ghosting your customers.

So what makes me qualified to manage your social media pages?

I’m glad you asked (although technically I asked, but let’s not get into the details 😂). To answer your question simply, I believe I was born to write. Like that’s what I’m put on this Earth to do, besides spread cheer and kindness to the world, of course. 

My boring answer to this question is that I have almost four years of experience in the marketing field, I graduated at the top of my class while pursuing my bachelors degree in The School of Communication at the University of North Florida, and I’ve worked for an agency, nonprofit, and chamber of commerce. I’d like to think I’m pretty well-rounded, guys and gals.

What makes me different?

Stick around to find out! Sign up for Like It Marketing’s newsletter to learn about all of the things I have to offer. 

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