market your business

Ways to market your business

market your business

I’d be lying if I said social media marketing alone can grow your business. I wish that were the case, but it’s not. While social media marketing is important – especially in today’s world – it should only be part of your marketing strategy, not the entire shabang. 

So if you truly desire to see substantial results, you’ll want to pair social media marketing with these other marketing strategies proven to make your business “sparkle”.

Keep reading to find out what these are.

Paid advertising

paid ads

As the words suggest, paid advertising is any advertisement you have to pay for. Most people understand this as Pay Per Click (PPC). Think Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google Adwords, etc. 

Paid advertising allows you to reach even more people than organic advertising (advertising that isn’t boosted, promoted, etc. like an unpaid social media post, for example). 

Paid advertising isn’t something we offer at the moment, but it is a service we are planning to offer in the near future.  

Email marketing

email marketing

Are you one of those people who check your email first thing in the morning? 

You’re not the only one… And marketers have taken advantage of this by investing in email marketing strategies. You’ve likely subscribed to an email list, whether you realize it or not. Those company emails you get on the regular are emails you’ve opted into. 

One of my personal favorite email newsletters is from LALToday. Their content is golden and an inspiration for my very own email newsletter for Like It Marketing (which you can subscribe to on my website at the bottom of “The Library” page). 

Use email marketing to keep your target audience informed of company updates, announcements, specials, etc. Consider adding exclusive offers for your subscribers only to show them the benefits of being on your email list! 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

search engine optimization

Marketing comes with its own set of vocabulary words. Search engine optimization isn’t the easiest one to remember, but it is one to take note of if you want your business to grow. 

SEO is the process of increasing your website visitors by making sure the site appears high on the search engine list (like Google). 

SEO requires optimizing your content so that you’ll beat out your competition and be seen first by potential customers. Neil Patel does a great job of explaining this in his article here

Blog Marketing

blog marketing

People used to just blog about their lives, but now business owners use blogs to attract people to their websites

If you share valuable content on your blog, you’ll more likely get more views and clicks to your website (which could lead to more sales). Share content that is educational and resourceful. Blogging can help position you as an industry expert, if done correctly. 

If you’re reading this blog, you’re seeing firsthand how blog marketing works! Check out the rest of my posts here

Event marketing

Hosting regular events can be a great way to bring exposure to your business. I like to suggest that you promote your events at least one month in advance on social media, so that you reach the most amount of people possible before the big day. 

Here’s some considerations: 

  • Have brand merchandise available for purchase (such as T-shirts, hats, bags, etc.). 
  • Set up a photo backdrop with your logo on it to encourage people to take pictures at your event. Bonus points if they tag your business in their social media posts.  
  • Raffles, raffles and more raffles. Have people purchase raffle tickets to win prizes (maybe donated from local businesses). 
  • Don’t just post about the event on your social media pages, but actually use Facebook’s event page to create an event; That way you can see how many people plan to attend, plus use Facebook’s extra event features.

I could probably write an entire blog on event marketing (which I might do later), seeing as I worked in event planning for almost a year. Stay tuned! 

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are many ways to market your business. These are just to name a few, but feel free to get creative and find out what works best for you. 

If you liked this blog, please consider sharing it on your social media pages!  

As always, thanks for reading, y’all! 💙


How to grow your business

How to grow your small business

How to grow your business

Imagine this: You’re lounging poolside in the sunny weather with a cool breeze touching your skin – not a care in the world. You’ve taken off the entire week and you have trusting employees who are managing your business while you’re away. No cell phone, no laptop — just a good book and a drink in your hand. 

Dreamy, right?

Unfortunately, you can’t make this dream life your reality without putting in some hard work. Your business has to grow for you to make it here. So, what are the key ingredients to growing your small business and ultimately living your best life? To be honest, I’m still trying to figure this out. But, here’s what I’ve been doing to grow Like It Marketing so far… 

#1: Build a name for yourself.

Alright, so I wasn’t the popular kid in school, which is why I may be having a hard time with this one. But, I feel like I’m on the right track with my efforts to make myself known. 

Here’s what I’m doing (and what you should be doing, too):

Networking – Whether in-person or online, you better find yourself mingling with as many people as possible. But, not just any people… Find out where your target audience hangs out and start hanging out in those places! 

Social media marketing – If you’re not a fan of showing up in-person, show up online (or even better, show up in-person AND online)! Social media is one of the best ways for you to build brand awareness and the great thing is – you can do it in your pajamas. *Digital high five*. Come up with an awesome strategy and get to posting regularly, friends! Here’s an article I wrote about the importance of social media for business, if you need more convincing. 

Getting positive client reviews – Let’s face it – when you have ZERO reviews online, your brand looks a little sketch. No one wants to work with a business with no social proof. This is why you should be asking for client reviews regularly. BTW, Google favors companies with a lot of high ratings. 

There’s plenty of other ways to build a name for yourself, but these are some of my main areas of focus right now. 

#2: Never stop learning. 

Learning doesn’t stop the day you graduate high school, trade school, or college. 

You should always pursue learning opportunities, regardless of how many degrees/certificates you have. Things are constantly changing, which means you have to keep up with the times and be adaptable

Here’s some ideas: 

  • Enroll in some community college classes or online courses (like 
  • Listen to podcasts; during your commute, while cooking, in the gym, wherever you can think of. 
  • Read professional development books. 
  • Attend workshops and conferences.
  • Research competition and see what they’re doing. 

The more you learn, the more valuable and irreplaceable you will become. 

#3: Build your tribe.

I hate saying “build your tribe” because it sounds so cliche but people say it for good reason! 

When you surround yourself with the right people, your business will flourish. 

You may be wondering, where do I begin? 

First, it’s going to take a lot of support from your family and friends, so you’ll want to start there. Find out who is really there for you and keep them close. They will support you during the ups and downs that come with entrepreneurship. 

Next, seek out a mentor (or a few mentors). Find a person who is doing or has done what you do. The more experience they have, the more insights they can give you. Meet with this person regularly to ask them questions and get advice. Also, have them hold you accountable for things you say you are going to do. 

Another great way to build your tribe is by attending masterminds. Find a mastermind group you can join and show up regularly. You can learn a lot from other business owners, even if they’re not doing exactly what you do. Plus, these people can relate to you more than most. 

Final thoughts

These are just a few things I’ve learned while working for other people and working for myself. As a new business owner, I’m still learning a lot about this topic and would love to hear your thoughts. 

What do you do to grow your small business? 

Send me an email at

Thanks for reading, y’all! 💙



Humanizing your brand

humanize your brand

If you’re looking to truly connect with your clients on a deeper level, social media is a great way to do that. 

It allows your business to seem more relatable, and ultimately more “human”…aka it “humanizes” your brand. 

Sure, you have a website, but does your website really come off as personable or is it a bit more robotic? Most likely it’s the latter (and if it it’s not, kudos to you).  

So if you want your clients to see your brand as a human and not some faceless logo, keep reading.

Tip #1: Show the faces of your company.

Okay, don’t stop reading now. I know for some of you, the idea of showing your face on your company’s social media page terrifies you – but it shouldn’t! People want to see you. They love seeing the face responsible for building the company. 

In fact, I read somewhere that social media posts with faces get way more engagement than posts that don’t have faces in them…Which is all the more reason you should show your face more often online. 

If you’re not comfortable being the center of attention all of the time, you don’t have to be. Show off your staff every opportunity you get, whether they have a work anniversary in the office or you all are eating lunch together…Whatever the case may be, always be ready to snag an office photo. 

Tip #2: Choose the tone of voice you want to portray.

Adding a tone of voice to your brand makes it seem more human-like. There are plenty of voices you can choose from. Here’s some examples: 

  • Witty
  • Feminine 
  • Professional 
  • Humorous
  • Sassy (take Wendy’s brand voice as an example) 

Select one tone of voice and stick with it. Use it in your post captions, in your photos, your website, and wherever else you can think of. 

People will start to associate you with this voice. It’s sort of like creating an avatar in a video game. You have to create an avatar for your brand, if you want it to connect with others. Does that make sense? 

Tip #3: Show vulnerability.

Our final tip is for you to be vulnerable and publicly show that vulnerability. This is probably the hardest one to do but possibly the most important. 

One way to show vulnerability is to own up to any mistakes the company has made. You always want to be the first to relay critical company information, so that your followers hear it from you first and not another source.

You can also show vulnerability by sharing something personal about your story. Storytelling is the most effective way to reach people online. And people connect most with stories that share something deep. 

If you need an example, take a look at this post I created in August about transformation. It shares some of my biggest insecurities and how I’ve changed over the years. It took a lot of courage to post about this, but I wanted to open up to my followers so they could see that I am only human. 

Final thoughts

If you use social media strategically for your company, it will flourish. Make people fall in love with your brand by simply being you. 

At Like It Marketing, I want people to remember our brand as feminine and humorous. Check out our social media pages and other blogs to see how I execute this strategy. Our handle is @likeitmarketingllc. 

As always, thanks for reading! 💙


content creator mindset

The mind of a content creator

tonya on computer with dog

Let me know if you’ve had one or more of these thoughts about social media:

“I have no idea what to talk about.” 

“I hate using my brain to come up with social media posts.”

“Social media is overwhelming for me because I’m an introvert.” 


The reality is, content creation can be really stressful, even for the most creative and social people out there. 

However, ideas come easier when you put yourself in a content creator’s mindset. Here’s some of the thoughts that pass through my mind each day. 

Thought 1: Is this moment photo/video worthy?

One thing a content creator is always thinking is, “Is this moment photo or video worthy?”. At least that’s what I’m always thinking. 

Here’s some examples of what I’d consider worthy of posting to social media. Of course, this is just a tiny list…The possibilities are endless.

Photo examples:

  • Attending a networking event, conference, or professional development event
  • Receiving an award. 
  • Working remotely in a cool place, like a coffee shop. 
  • Team-building events.
  • Meeting with an influencer or leader in your industry. 
  • Before/after transformation photos. 

Video examples:

  • Office tour.
  • On the way to meet a client.
  • Work in action. 
  • Timelapse of your workday. 
  • Big announcements/updates. 

That’s just to name a few. There are plenty of other photos and videos you can take for your business. You just have to get into the mindset of, “What will educate, entertain, inform, or inspire my followers?”. 

Thought 2: Can the colors I see right now be used in a social media post graphic? 

First and foremost, let me just say that if you already have your brand colors chosen, you should stick with using those colors in your social media post graphics for the sake of brand consistency. 

However, it is certainly okay to use complimentary colors in those graphics, too! If your colors are blue, like mine, you may find inspiration in the ocean or by simply looking up at the sky. 

Maybe a painting inspired you or a piece of clothing. Whatever the case may be, I recommend you take a photo of your inspiration and then use a color dropper like this one to find out the color hex codes (which is a six-digit combo of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB)). 

Once you have the color hex codes, you can use those colors in a social media post graphic for a beautiful, cohesive look. 

Thought 3: Will my target audience learn from this? 

Sometimes I come across articles about growing your business or balancing your work life with your personal life and I think to myself, “My followers are business owners, so I think they would get a lot of value from this.” 

If you’re constantly thinking about how you can add value to your target audience’s life, you are thinking like a content creator. 

So the next time you read a blog, a social media post, an infographic, etc., ask yourself if you think it makes sense to share it on your social media pages. If it’ll make your followers’ lives better, the answer will always be yes!

Final thoughts

Content creation is one of my favorite parts of being a social media manager. I LOVE sharing fun behind-the-scenes photos, putting together creative designs and sharing my bits of expertise from what I’ve learned over a lifetime. 

Just remember when you are creating content, the idea is to have fun with it and let your creativity shine!

Make sure you’re following us on social media for more content creation ideas. Our handle is @likeitmarketingllc. 

Thanks for reading, love! 💙

Save time

Time-saving tips for social media

Save time

Wake up, cook breakfast, get kids ready for school, get dressed for work, drive kids to school, go to work… should I continue?

Our everyday to-do list is a mile long and it’s EXHAUSTING! 😩

Add in social media management to the mix, and BAM – there goes your sanity (or all of your free time, at least). We believe that you should spend less time working and more time with family.

So we’ve come up with 5 time-saving tips to help you get your company’s social media under control in the least amount of time possible.

Check them out below. ✨

Tip #1: Come up with themes for the month

Coming up with a social media theme for the month will save you time because it’ll allow you to focus on a particular topic, instead of bouncing all over the place.

For example, if you own a hair salon, you may consider the theme: Self-care.

When creating social media posts, you’ll think about how each post can relate back to self-care. One of your posts could talk about taking care of your hair, while the other may talk about exercising and eating right (something that is probably important to a hair salon’s target audience).

Using this method is much easier than coming up with new topics every single day.

Be careful not to use themes that are irrelevant to your industry or else you run the risk of losing the interest of your followers.

Tip #2: Create content for one month at a time

This idea bounces off of the first one. When you create content, make sure you plan out the next month in advance. We like to create one month of posts at one time. If this isn’t possible for you, try creating two weeks worth of posts at one time.

Here’s things you should consider:

  • Theme of the month
  • Upcoming events
  • Birthdays and work anniversaries
  • Announcements

To help you stay organized, we recommend creating a social media content calendar that shows all of your upcoming posts. We create a content calendar for each one of our clients.

Tip #3: Repurpose content to save time

We’ve talked about this in a previous blog, but repurposing content is basically using content you’ve created in the past in a new way.

Some ways you can repurpose content:

  • Turn a blog post into a social media post (or several social media posts).
  • Take out quotes from your videos and use them as quote graphics for social media.
  • Take information from your website and turn it into social media posts.

Read our last blog for more ideas!

Tip #4: Schedule posts in advance instead of posting manually

If you’re still posting social media posts manually, you’re doing it wrong! There are a ton of tools out there to help you schedule social media posts in advance. 😃

A free tool you can use to schedule Facebook and Instagram posts is Facebook’s Creator Studio.

Take advantage of this technology! It’ll save you a TON of time!

Once you schedule all of your posts for the month, you won’t have to worry about missing a day of posting. This takes a lot of the stress off of having to create a post every single day.

Tip #5: Set up a timer when engaging with others’ posts

I don’t know about you, but when we get on social media to engage with other accounts, we find ourselves scrolling for a long time!

We realized we were spending way too much time reading, liking and commenting on others’ posts so we decided to set a time limit for this. ⏰

Give yourself 20 minutes per day to engage and then cut yourself off. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself scrolling for hours.

Final thoughts

Social media should be a priority for your business, but it shouldn’t consume your nights and weekends. We started Like It Marketing to help busy business owners like you get their life back. If you need someone to help manage your social media accounts and save you time, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Visit

Thanks for reading! 💙


Repurposing content for social media


Are you tired of running out of ideas for social media posts? Well, you probably haven’t tried repurposing your content. You may be wondering what exactly that means… I’ll tell you in my own terms.

Repurposing content means using content you’ve created in the past in a new way. I’ll give you some ideas on how to do this later on.

Why you should repurpose content

  • Repurposing content will save you a ton of time.  
  • Avoid the fatigue and frustration that comes with creating new content. 
  • Get more engagement with different messaging (some people may prefer your repurposed content over the original content).

7 ways to repurpose content

Here’s some ideas on how to repurpose your content for social media!

1. Turn a blog post into a social media post (or several social media posts).

You could take the main concepts of the blog and turn each concept into one social media post. Or, you could list the main points in one social media post. Personally, I do both.

2. Use old posts that performed the best for “Throwback Thursday” posts.

Visit your social media page insights to see which posts are performing the best. Make note of those and use them every now and then for Throwback Thursday (#tbt) posts.

3. Take out quotes from your videos and use them as quote graphics for social media.

Rewatch some videos you’ve created and pull out pieces that you feel are quote-worthy. Create cute graphics using those quotes. 

4. Turn a social media post or a blog post into an infographic.

Infographics are visually-appealing and are best for visual learners. Canva has infographic templates that you could use to make the process as easy as possible.

5. Take information from your website and turn it into social media posts.

You could summarize your services into a social media post, for example. Or, you can write a post using the information from your website’s “About” page. 

6. Turn your social media post into an Instagram story and add a sticker to it.

Instead of coming up with completely new stories each day for Instagram, use the post you had planned for your grid and add it to your story. Throw on a fun Instagram sticker and viola – you’ve got yourself an Instagram story each day with little effort.

7. Turn your blogs into an e-book.

Combine your blogs to make an e-book that you could use as a lead magnet to attract clients. Create social media posts promoting that e-book and include a call-to-action to visit your website.

Final thoughts

These are just a few ideas but the possibilities are endless. If you have any other ideas, please share them with me at Make sure you sign up for our newsletter to get more tips and tricks on content creation!  

Thank you for reading!

How to create a social media post

Are you creating social media posts for your business? If so, it’s not enough to just throw something together in two minutes with hopes that it’ll work out in your favor. Creating a social media post for your business takes time and strategy.

Some social media managers spend 40 minutes to an hour on one post. If you’re spending significantly less time than that, you may be sacrificing quality. And you know what they say, “Quality is better than quantity.”

As a social media manager, I’d rather you put out less posts with higher quality than put out several posts with low quality.

I’m gonna help you out. Below you’ll find the “recipe” for an effective social media post. If you use the “ingredients” and steps I recommend, you’ll find that your posts will reach more people (who could become paying customers). 

Ingredients for a social media post:

  • Social media post caption
  • Emojis
  • Call-to-action
  • Visual (graphic, photo, video)
  • Hashtags

Step 1: Write the social media post caption

The post caption is the text you see paired with the post graphic. It keeps your viewers on your post longer, if done right. When writing the caption, make sure you include up to three emojis and a single call-to-action (CTA).

A call-to-action is you telling your followers what you want them to do, whether that’s to visit your website or set up a consultation with you. Don’t assume they know what to do just by seeing your post. You have to tell them what you want, so make sure you try to include a CTA in every post.

Step 2: Research hashtags and use them!

Next, you should research the best-performing hashtags in your industry and location. You’ll also want to look up high-performing hashtags that you think your target audience will be searching for. 

Once you’ve done your research, include some of these hashtags in each one of your posts. As for the number of hashtags you use, that’s up to you. I’ve done a lot of research and have never found the same answer. I’d recommend testing out different amounts of hashtags per post to see what works for you.

Step 3: Pair your post with a visual

Never ever just rely on a post caption to attract your current and potential social media followers. Always pair your post with a visual, whether it’s a graphic you create, a photo you take, or a video you record. 

I recommend using Canva if you’re new to creating graphics. They have a ton of templates to help you get started. 

If you plan to use a photo, consider hiring a photographer to take professional photos that you can use in your social media posts. This will elevate your page and make it stand out much more than a cell phone photo.

(P.S. We have a photographer just for this reason!)

Final thoughts

There ya have it, folks! These are the key ingredients and steps to creating an engaging social media post. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! Do you have any tips you’d recommend? Let me know by emailing me at 

Thank you for reading and make sure you follow Like It Marketing on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for more social media tips!

5 habits that’ll transform your life

Did you know that it takes 21 days to create a habit? That’s it! Just 21 days. When you put it like that, it seems doable, am I right? 

Imagine if we applied this theory to 5 habits that could transform our life. Obviously, it would be even better if you applied it to more, but let’s take baby steps here. 

Here’s 5 habits that will transform your life!

Tip #1: Get 8 hours of sleep

Doctors have recommended that 8 hours of sleep is best for adults, which is why I make it my mission to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Now, I know that this isn’t always possible, but when you make a solid effort towards accomplishing this goal, you’ll notice the rewards almost instantly.

I go to bed every night around 11 p.m. It’s natural to me now as I’ve been doing it for so long, but for those of you who are just starting out this new habit, I’d suggest setting up a “sleep” alarm in your phone. Yup, smartphones have that feature! This will give you a gentle reminder that it’s time to go to sleep and will help hold you accountable.

Repeat this for 21 days and see how it transforms your life.

Habit #2: Pray

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel a sense of comfort each time I wrap up a prayer. I tell God my worries, I tell him my wins, I pray for loved ones and for those who need healing, and I tell God thank you in my prayers. Praying for what’s on my heart makes everything seem better. Talking with God makes me believe that everything will fall into place.

Maybe you’re not religious. Maybe praying seems pointless to you. If that’s the case, then take this time to reflect on what’s going on in your life. Spend 5-10 minutes each morning in your thoughts before starting your day. Don’t dwell on the negative thoughts, but instead, focus on the positive and prepare yourself to take on the day.

Habit #3: Connect with at least one other person daily

If you’re an introvert, you may be cringing at the thought of reaching out to another person first. But doing this shows other people that you care and that you want to build the relationship.

You have no idea how one “I hope you have a great day” text can change someone’s mood, especially if you haven’t heard from that person in a while.

Here’s some more ideas on how to connect with others:
– Comment on their social media post with something kind or thoughtful.
– Send holiday cards (online or via snail mail).
– Pick up the phone and start a conversation with someone (or direct message them on social media if you’re not a fan of phone calls).
– Suggest a coffee or lunch date.

Habit #4: Spend more time outdoors

I’m not sure if it’s the Vitamin D from the sun or the smell of nature but being outdoors elevates my mood almost instantly. There’s something about the feeling of a warm breeze touching your skin and taking in all of the different textures and colors around you. I’m most happy when I’m surrounded by water and trees.

Here’s some solid advice from Anthony Douglas Williams: 

“Take a quiet walk in Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind, body, and soul.”

Habit #5: Give

Final thoughts

In summary, make sure you get more sleep, pray, connect with others, spend time outdoors, and give back. These 5 habits will transform your life. You can thank me later haha. Thanks for reading and make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn for more life hacks plus social media tips for your business!



How to spark interest with booming social media content


One thing people bring up to me often is content creation for social media: 

“What should I post about?” 

“I’m not creative enough to create graphics.” 

“I’m not sure if what I’m doing is working or not.” 


If this is you, keep reading. I’ll give you some tips and tricks on sparking the interest of your target audience by creating booming content for your company’s social media pages. 

Tip #1: Use visuals

We are overloaded with information every single day. So when we see a bunch of text on the screen, a lot of times we’ll overlook it, instinctually. Think about it: When you’re scrolling on social media what is the first thing that catches your eye? Most likely it’s a video, photo, or graphic. 


This is why pairing your post caption with a visual is vital to the success of your posts. If you don’t post a visual with your post caption, be prepared for it to be looked right over. Some things that catch people’s eyes are bright colors, pictures with faces in them (use real photos, not stock photos, if possible), and animated graphics (think sparkles and things that move).


Canva is a great tool to use to help you take your videos, photos and graphics to the next level. I’m not associated with Canva but you’d think I was with how much I promote it. I’ve been using it for years and I absolutely LOVE it. 

Tip #2: Get on video as much as possible. 

If you are blessed with the skills it takes to get in front of the camera, USE THOSE SKILLS! Video content is by far the most engaging content out there. People can’t resist a good video.


Even if you’re not a superstar in front of the camera, you should still be recording videos. People are embracing authenticity more than ever and there is a craving for people who show up as their “real” selves. I’m talking messy hair, no makeup, and real talk with your followers about your real life (struggles and all). 


Here’s some video ideas:

  • Brand videos – The story of your brand, your team, your vision, your mission, etc. 
  • Explainer videos – How and why to use your product/service plus other helpful tips that are relevant to your audience
  • Events – Any company events you host or sponsor.
  • Testimonials – Getting your customer to talk about you on video is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business.
  • Case studies – Show the results of using your product/service using an example from a past/current client.
  • And the best one yet: Live videos – Go live regularly! People LOVE this and they get notified that you’re live.

Tip #3: User-generated content

First, let me define what user-generated content is, per Termly


“User-generated content is any written, visual, or audio content that’s uploaded to a website or app by users, rather than by the website or app administrators. User-generated content includes messages, reviews, testimonials, comments, images, audio files, videos, and artwork.”


There are so many benefits of user-generated content. First being that you don’t have to create the content yourself! It’s already created! Talk about a huge time saver. Plus, your followers will feel flattered that you shared their content, and as a result they will be more loyal to your brand. (Hint: It’s a good idea to ask for permission to share the user’s post and credit them in the post caption).


To get user-generated content, you can:

  • Ask people to use a branded hashtag you create in their posts. Ex: #likeitmarketing
  • Implement social listening and look for mentions of your company online (Twitter is great for this). 
  • Simply share your target audience’s post that’s relevant to your brand or industry. 

Final thoughts

There are a ton of other ways to create booming content for your business, but that blog post would be a mile long and nobody has time for that lol. We hope you found this article helpful and that you’ll share it with your business friends. Thanks for reading and make sure you subscribe to our newsletter for more social media tips! 


head on desk from burnout

How to avoid burnout

Burnout – “A state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands (”

Tired of feeling tired? You’re probably burnt out from all of the work you’ve been doing lately! Being a business owner can feel like a never-ending race to the finish line, only to realize that it doesn’t end; We hope it won’t end, anyways. We’re sure you already know this, but it’s unhealthy to let yourself get to the point of burnout. Not only does it affect you, but it affects those around you. 

Here’s a few tips on how to avoid burnout.

Take all of your breaks! 

I’ve said this in a previous blog and I’ll say it again: You absolutely must take breaks to avoid burnout! Schedule the breaks if you have to. Take at least a one-hour break during your work day and consider adding two 10 to 15 minute breaks somewhere in between. 

I once worked with a person who would take 10-15 minute “brain breaks” to clear her head. Each time she would leave the office and come back looking refreshed. I think those brain breaks really helped! 

Another lady I worked with would use her lunch break to take a walk. She said those one-hour walks not only improved her physical health, but her mental health, as well. She especially enjoyed walking after dealing with a particularly challenging project. It helped her reset and it can do the same for you. 

Oh and don’t forget to take vacations! We aren’t meant to just work until we die. We deserve to enjoy life to the fullest, so pull out your passport and start traveling, girlfriend! 

Automate your systems

While automation can seem intimidating at first with the amount of time it takes to set up, it will certainly save you time in the long run. 

Zapier is an automation software that would be a great place to start. They even have a free plan that lets you build one-to-one connections with your apps and automate basic tasks. 

You can also do simple automation techniques, like setting up an Out of Office (OOO) message when you’re on that vacation I recommended you take. 😉 

Some other things you can automate: 

  • Responding to direct messages using chatbots. 
  • Sending automatic follow-up emails. 
  • Setting recurring invoices and reminders. 

And more. Automating your systems and processes will help you avoid burnout by taking these tedious tasks off of your plate. 


Avoid burnout by unplugging from your business! Turn off your cell phone, put away your laptop, and get out of the office! I can’t stress this enough. Too many people center their lives around work. Work is not your identity, I repeat, work is not your identity! 

Your spouse misses you, your kids miss you. They are tired of seeing you stressed all of the time. They are your life, not work. For their sake and for yours, unplug. 

Hire a social media manager

hire a social media manager

If social media marketing is taking a lot out of you, consider hiring a social media manager to help. We can help you avoid burnout by managing your accounts for you so that you have more time to take those breaks that you deserve. Learn more about our packages here

Final thoughts

Hopefully some of this got through to you and you realize that there is much more to life than just working. Take action on some of the steps I’ve shared with you and don’t let yourself get burnt out again.

You deserve a life filled with less stress! Pursue your happiness today.  


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